Thursday, December 17, 2009

Transitions... WordPress...

So, I have been thinking about reworking my blog and using WordPress. I have mostly been thinking about this, not because I am unhappy with my current host (not thrilled with them either), but because it means I can think about something besides the NUMEROUS and frustrating short sales I have going on right now. I know, I know... I should be happy to have the business, but short sales can even test the patience of really patient people like me. We are just going to have to cycle through this. Hang in there clients! I am looking out for you.

This brings me back to WordPress. I attended a very interesting tutorial on the system today and was so impressed with what it offers. There's definitely a bit of a learning curve for a non-techie like me, but I like the idea that I can become a better techie because of it. Has anyone had any experience with WordPress? It very seemlessly allows you to create a "blog-site", my new term for blog based websites. I could provide video clips, rotating photos, more dynamic graphic design to my blog. Very interesting...

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